AXISS AUDIO fielded several rooms at AXPONA and without exception its various rooms, whilst composed of quite different systems and at an array of price points all brought music to bear, which, as outlined below, I thoroughly enjoyed.
This first thing that came to mind as I entered this room was “Music is being played here.” And true to form Arturo was spinning vinyl disks on the Reed Muse 3C turntable with two Reed tonearms—5A Tangential Tracking tonearm and 2B Pivoted tone arms—and the AirTight Opus One moving coil cartridge. The Reed vinyl rig truly paid credence to the exceptional bonafides of vinyl. We’ll definitely have to have that turntable in for review.
Via its accompaniment—AirTight’s ATC 5s preamplifier, AirTight’s ATM-2Plus and 1E power amplifiers, Franco Serblin’s Accord Essence (in for review), and LA Sounds wires and cables—it was quite the breath of fresh air. Again, it was unabashedly music that drew you in and sought, very diligently, to keep you firmly planted. I must say that I stayed for quite a time listening and asking for an album or two.
The horn played back via the Reed/AirTight rig had ‘blatt’, space, was suffused with air, and there was an in-room palpability, in a hotel room, no less (!), that was rather remarkable. Did I mention the resolution of the cymbals? Well, I came back again just to ease into the performance. This was absolutely one of the top three rooms at the show, hands down! Let’s hear it for old school more than keeping up with the new kids on the block. A decided Best Room of the Show.